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Who is brighter ?

"Who is brighter ?"

One night stars went near the moon and said, "Can you tell who shines brighter ?"

Moon said proudly, "It’s obviously me"

Stars started smiling and said, "Oh no ! Its not you, its we."

Moon said , "No,its me."

The stars said, "Ok, lets ask the children."

They went near one window and asked the children to tell us who shines brightly.

Children said, "Moon."

Suddenly one big cloud came in front of moon, then children said "Stars."

When cloud disappear they again said, "Moon."

The stars said, "Lets go to some other person."

They both went to another window and saw one old man. They asked him to tell who shines brighter.

Old man said, "Oh, its very difficult for me to tell because I am too old so I can’t see clearly. So, please I am sorry I can’t help you."

Then they went to another window where they saw one mother was singing a song for her baby so that he could get sleep. The moon and stars asked her to tell who is brighter among us. She replied that my baby’s face is brighter than both of you.

Then they approached Earth. The moon was very happy, he felt that mother Earth will show him favour.

On asking mother Earth replied, "It is true that the moon shines brightly in the night and its light is very useful for fruits, vegetables and green plants. But my son ! Don’t be proudy. Remember this light is not your own, you are getting it from the Sun. So don’t  feel proud on that which is not yours."

The Earth continued , "The twinkling little stars are really not so small. They are the budddies of sun because sun itself  is also a star. Don’t be ignorant, if a  few stars come together their heat and light will be unbearable for us. The twinkling of stars also provide beauty to the night. Don’t fight with each other."

Each one felt satisfied and thanked Earth.

The End


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